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Everything in life is impermanent, and thus, we are always in times of change. 

The you who is reading this today, is not the same you as ten years ago.  That you, had not had the experiences of your last ten years. That you had not known the joys and suffering that you've been through. Time has touched you during those years, its' changed your body, impacted your mind, and you have grown into present day you. 


My journey started at the mindfulness community, where meditation practice was used to address issues such as depression, anxiety, trauma, etc.  At the centre, residents would practice daily meditation, yoga, workshops on various forms of healing (art and music therapy, trauma release exercises, shadow work, inner dance) all offered by licensed therapists.  


Upon arrival at the residential meditation centre, new residents are required to attend an Intro To Mindfulness workshop.  I had a strong understanding of Mindfulness as it was one of the forms of therapy I had studied in graduate school.  I was very familiar with the theories of Dr. John Kabat-Zinn who is often credited with bringing Mindfulness to the West after he had studied how monks practice Mindfulness in the East.  In fact, the very reason I had traveled to Thailand was because I wanted to get a better understanding of Mindfulness. But, this time I was going straight to the source.  


The week that I arrived, there were about 6-7 new arrivals and we all found ourselves sitting inside the meditation room on the beautiful 50 acer property. As I sat on the meditation pillow I saw that someone had written on the blackboard a definition of Mindfulness. I immediately recognized it as John Kabat Zinn’s, the man whose Mindfulness Therapy books I had studied in university.  


Fankh, the Buddhist monk, and meditation teacher, sat on a meditation pillow facing us and asked “What is mindfulness?” A few people put up their hands and gave some answers. Fankh then pointed over his shoulder to the quote on the blackboard behind him and said “Well it’s certainly not that! I don't know who wrote that. It definitely wasn't me.”


My ears perked up, “Wait, what did he just say?” I wondered as I leaned forward, Frankh now had my full attention... 

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